This is not a photo of our actual copy machine, but we thought that it accurately illustrated its poor state of health.
Thanks to our amazing supporters, all of the money has been raised to purchase the new copier. It’s so helpful to be able to count on friends who respond to the work we do. Each year Bangla Hope continues to advance its mission of feeding, educating and bringing Jesus to these children. Thank you again for your generosity!
Occasionally emergency needs arise in which we need an immediate answer. This is one of those times. Our copy machine in the administrative office in Bangladesh is quickly dying. It is the only copy machine we have for major needs. It is used for office, school materials, and copying Bible coloring pictures for our weekly branch Sabbath Schools, as well as an endless array of other tasks.
It has been in intensive care for at least the last year, but it is getting weary. Asking a VW to do the work of a ¾ ton pickup truck leaves a lasting mark.
If the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart would you consider helping us in this hour of emergency? Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our children and the people of Bangladesh.
God Bless!
Robyn Griffin
Executive Director, Bangla Hope America
E: rob@banglahope.org
T: 541-735-4497